
Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium 2023

  Thu, 27 Apr - Fri, 28 Apr 2023
  Van Swieten-hall

The Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium is an international meeting taking place in the beautiful capital of Austria and aims to bring together scholars from various fields of ubiquitin and protein degradation research in a personal, family-like atmosphere, as suggested by the name.

We will be covering various topics ranging from structural insights of the molecular machines involved in proteostasis to chemical approaches for studying the ubiquitin system as well as various biological pathways such as autophagy, protein quality control and proteostasis during stress, aging and diseases.



The 1.5-day program will comprise talks from 11 renowned scientists invited as guest speakers, 10-11 talks by participants selected from the submitted abstracts, and flash talks followed by poster sessions. A wine reception and the conference dinner take place on the first evening.

It will start on Thursday at 9:00 am, and end on Friday by 3:00 pm (presumably).


Confirmed Speakers:


Registration is open: read more & register here!

Abstract deadline to be considered for a talk: March 30, 2023.
Registration deadline & abstract deadline for posters: April 17, 2023.

All attendees are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract. Travel grants and awards for best posters & best short talk available!


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