


Cerebral organoids display dynamic clonal growth and tunable tissue replenishment.

2024 Nature cell biology;26(5):710, 718, 710-718.
PMID:  38714853

Lindenhofer Dominik, Haendeler Simon, Esk Christopher, Littleboy Jamie B, Brunet Avalos Clarisse, Naas Julia, Pflug Florian G, van de Ven Eline G P, Reumann Daniel, Baffet Alexandre D, von Haeseler Arndt, Knoblich Jürgen A

Correlative light and electron microscopy at defined cell cycle stages in a controlled environment.

2024 Methods in cell biology;187:73, 97, 73-97.
PMID:  38705631

Bragulat-Teixidor Helena, Otsuka Shotaro

Build and operation of a custom 3D, multicolor, single-molecule localization microscope.

2024 Nature protocols;19(8):2467, 2525, 2467-2525.
PMID:  38702387

Power Rory M, Tschanz Aline, Zimmermann Timo, Ries Jonas

Mime-seq 2.0: a method to sequence microRNAs from specific mouse cell types.

2024 The EMBO journal;43(12):2506, 2525, 2506-2525.
PMID:  38689024

Mandlbauer Ariane, Sun Qiong, Popitsch Niko, Schwickert Tanja, Spanova Miroslava, Wang Jingkui, Ameres Stefan L, Busslinger Meinrad, Cochella Luisa

Large-scale chemoproteomics expedites ligand discovery and predicts ligand behavior in cells.

2024 Science (New York, N.Y.);384(6694):eadk5864.
PMID:  38662832

Offensperger Fabian, Tin Gary, Duran-Frigola Miquel, Hahn Elisa, Dobner Sarah, Ende Christopher W Am, Strohbach Joseph W, Rukavina Andrea, Brennsteiner Vincenth, Ogilvie Kevin, Marella Nara, Kladnik Katharina, Ciuffa Rodolfo, Majmudar Jaimeen D, Field S Denise, Bensimon Ariel, Ferrari Luca, Ferrada Evandro, Ng Amanda, Zhang Zhechun, Degliesposti Gianluca, Boeszoermenyi Andras, Martens Sascha, Stanton Robert, Müller André C, Hannich J Thomas, Hepworth David, Superti-Furga Giulio, Kubicek Stefan, Schenone Monica, Winter Georg E

The interplay between autophagy and cGAS-STING signaling and its implications for cancer.

2024 Frontiers in immunology;15:1356369.
PMID:  38660307

Schmid Maximilian, Fischer Patrick, Engl Magdalena, Widder Joachim, Kerschbaum-Gruber Sylvia, Slade Dea

JAK-STAT signaling maintains homeostasis in T cells and macrophages.

2024 Nature immunology;25(5):847, 859, 847-859.
PMID:  38658806

Fortelny Nikolaus, Farlik Matthias, Fife Victoria, Gorki Anna-Dorothea, Lassnig Caroline, Maurer Barbara, Meissl Katrin, Dolezal Marlies, Boccuni Laura, Ravi Sundar Jose Geetha Aarathy, Akagha Mojoyinola Joanna, Karjalainen Anzhelika, Shoebridge Stephen, Farhat Asma, Mann Ulrike, Jain Rohit, Tikoo Shweta, Zila Nina, Esser-Skala Wolfgang, Krausgruber Thomas, Sitnik Katarzyna, Penz Thomas, Hladik Anastasiya, Suske Tobias, Zahalka Sophie, Senekowitsch Martin, Barreca Daniele, Halbritter Florian, Macho-Maschler Sabine, Weninger Wolfgang, Neubauer Heidi A, Moriggl Richard, Knapp Sylvia, Sexl Veronika, Strobl Birgit, Decker Thomas, Müller Mathias, Bock Christoph

Dynamic control of gene expression by ISGF3 and IRF1 during IFNβ and IFNγ signaling.

2024 The EMBO journal;43(11):2233, 2263, 2233-2263.
PMID:  38658796

Ravi Sundar Jose Geetha Aarathy, Fischer Katrin, Babadei Olga, Smesnik Georg, Vogt Alex, Platanitis Ekaterini, Müller Mathias, Farlik Matthias, Decker Thomas

Neutral competition explains the clonal composition of neural organoids.

2024 PLoS computational biology;20(4):e1012054.
PMID:  38648250

Pflug Florian G, Haendeler Simon, Esk Christopher, Lindenhofer Dominik, Knoblich Jürgen A, von Haeseler Arndt

BIG enhances Arg/N-degron pathway-mediated protein degradation to regulate Arabidopsis hypoxia responses and suberin deposition.

2024 The Plant cell;36(9):3177, 3200, 3177-3200.
PMID:  38608155

Zhang Hongtao, Rundle Chelsea, Winter Nikola, Miricescu Alexandra, Mooney Brian C, Bachmair Andreas, Graciet Emmanuelle, Theodoulou Frederica L

Molecular circadian rhythms are robust in marine annelids lacking rhythmic behavior.

2024 PLoS biology;22(4):e3002572.
PMID:  38603542

Häfker N Sören, Holcik Laurenz, Mat Audrey M, Ćorić Aida, Vadiwala Karim, Beets Isabel, Stockinger Alexander W, Atria Carolina E, Hammer Stefan, Revilla-I-Domingo Roger, Schoofs Liliane, Raible Florian, Tessmar-Raible Kristin

Aged-vascular niche hinders osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells through paracrine repression of Wnt-axis.

2024 Aging cell;23(6):e14139.
PMID:  38578073

Fleischhacker Viviane, Milosic Filip, Bricelj Marko, Kührer Kristina, Wahl-Figlash Katharina, Heimel Patrick, Diendorfer Andreas, Nardini Eleonora, Fischer Irmgard, Stangl Herbert, Pietschmann Peter, Hackl Matthias, Foisner Roland, Grillari Johannes, Hengstschläger Markus, Osmanagic-Myers Selma

Faa1 membrane binding drives positive feedback in autophagosome biogenesis via fatty acid activation.

2024 The Journal of cell biology;223(7)
PMID:  38573225

Baumann Verena, Achleitner Sonja, Tulli Susanna, Schuschnig Martina, Klune Lara, Martens Sascha

A set of cross-correlated relaxation experiments to probe the correlation time of two different and complementary spin pairs.

2024 Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997);361:107661.
PMID:  38547550

Ceccolini Irene, Kauffmann Clemens, Holzinger Julian, Konrat Robert, Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk Anna

Decorating phenylalanine side-chains with triple labeled C/F/H isotope patterns.

2024 Journal of biomolecular NMR;78(3):139, 147, 139-147.
PMID:  38509441

Toscano Giorgia, Holzinger Julian, Nagl Benjamin, Kontaxis Georg, Kählig Hanspeter, Konrat Robert, Lichtenecker Roman J

Updated single cell reference atlas for the starlet anemone Nematostella vectensis.

2024 Frontiers in zoology;21(1):8.
PMID:  38500146

Cole Alison G, Steger Julia, Hagauer Julia, Denner Andreas, Ferrer Murguia Patricio, Knabl Paul, Narayanaswamy Sanjay, Wick Brittney, Montenegro Juan D, Technau Ulrich

Enhancer-promoter interactions are reconfigured through the formation of long-range multiway hubs as mouse ES cells exit pluripotency.

2024 Molecular cell;84(8):1406, 1421.e8, 1406-1421.e8.
PMID:  38490199

Lando David, Ma Xiaoyan, Cao Yang, Jartseva Aleksandra, Stevens Tim J, Boucher Wayne, Reynolds Nicola, Montibus Bertille, Hall Dominic, Lackner Andreas, Ragheb Ramy, Leeb Martin, Hendrich Brian D, Laue Ernest D

Bacterial Lactonases ZenA with Noncanonical Structural Features Hydrolyze the Mycotoxin Zearalenone.

2024 ACS catalysis;14(5):3392, 3410, 3392-3410.
PMID:  38449531

Fruhauf Sebastian, Pühringer Dominic, Thamhesl Michaela, Fajtl Patricia, Kunz-Vekiru Elisavet, Höbartner-Gussl Andreas, Schatzmayr Gerd, Adam Gerhard, Damborsky Jiri, Djinovic-Carugo Kristina, Prokop Zbynek, Moll Wulf-Dieter

Coordinated ARP2/3 and glycolytic activities regulate the morphological and functional fitness of human CD8 T cells.

2024 Cell reports;43(3):113853.
PMID:  38421875

Kamnev Anton, Mehta Tanvi, Wielscher Matthias, Chaves Beatriz, Lacouture Claire, Mautner Anna-Katharina, Shaw Lisa E, Caldera Michael, Menche Jörg, Weninger Wolfgang P, Farlik Matthias, Boztug Kaan, Dupré Loïc

Physical interaction with Spo11 mediates the localisation of Mre11 to chromatin in meiosis and promotes its nuclease activity.

2024 Nucleic acids research;52(8):4328, 4343, 4328-4343.
PMID:  38407383

Aithal Rakesh, Nangalia Kuldeep, Spirek Mario, Chen Doris, Klein Franz, Krejci Lumir

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