Group Sascha Martens

Molecular Mechanisms of Autophagy

On this page

The Question

In order for our cells to stay healthy and functional, they must identify and dispose of damaged and harmful substances. Autophagy (from the Greek word for self-eating) is a process that cells employ to remove this material so that it can be replaced with new and functional parts. During autophagy cellular substances become engulfed by vesicles, the autophagosomes. How autophagosomes form de novo around their cargos is fascinating, yet still enigmatic. At the end of their biogenesis the vesicles fuse with cellular compartments called lysosomes which degrade the cargo. Autophagy was shown to target a variety of components including protein aggregates, organelles and even invading pathogens after they enter the cytoplasm. Not surprisingly, defects in autophagy have been associated with numerous diseases such as neurodegeneration, cancer and uncontrolled infections.

The Approach

Past research has identified a plethora of factors that are required for autophagy. However, how these factors act together in order to couple the capturing of the cellular material destined for degradation with the formation of autophagosomes is not well understood. Thus, the challenge now is to assign functions and mechanisms to these factors in order to gain a better understanding of how they work together to enable autophagy. We are a multidisciplinary team that focuses on bottom-up approaches to understand how cells form autophagosomes. To this end, we employ biochemical reconstitution, cell biology, light and electron microscopy as well as structural biology approaches. Our long-term goal is to reconstitute autophagy in vitro and compare the outcome to its working in cells. When those two match up we will understand how cells dispose harmful material.

Sascha Martens

Sascha Martens obtained his Diploma and Doctoral degrees from the University of Cologne in Germany. For his postdoctoral training he moved to the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. In 2009 he established his independent laboratory at the Max Perutz Labs.

Sascha's publications on PubMed

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Room: 5.113

   +43 1 4277 52876


Damage Control: Targeting Mitochondria

Deficiency in mitophagy, a process by which damaged mitochondria are selectively degraded to maintain cellular health and homeostasis, is a hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. The molecular mechanisms that govern the initiation of mitochondrial degradation and subsequent autophagosome biogenesis, however, are not completely understood. In this publication in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology we show that the TBK1 kinase adaptors NAP1 and SINTBAD play crucial roles during mitochondrial degradation by controlling pathway initiation and driving its efficient progression. This was a fantastic collaboration with the Lazarou Lab in framework of our ASAP funded mito911 team.


Unrecyclable: how protein aggregates evade clearance

Protein aggregates are a common hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases. These aggregates accumulate despite dedicated cellular surveillance mechanisms to prevent the build-up of unfolded or damaged cellular components. In a study published in Science Advances we compared how monomeric and pathological Tau proteins are targeted by this surveillance machinery. We found that while Tau monomers are targeted normally by the autophagy machinery, Tau fibrils, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s Disease, evade clearance by preventing the binding of a crucial mediator, TAX1BP1, which helps to recruit this machinery.


Meet the scientists: Cell researcher Sascha Martens and his team

For the team around Sascha Martens, every day begins with the hope of understanding the sophisticated degradation paths in our cells, and almost every day ends with the resolution to try again tomorrow. In this video, the biochemists from the University of Vienna reveal what keeps them going – despite failures and being borne away: Team spirit, the passion for a topic and their common goal of making a difference.

The biochemists are studying autophagy, a tiny mechanism that happens every millisecond in all our body cells. If something does not go according to plan, serious diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's may develop. The basic research conducted by Martens’ team thus provides an important building block for therapies and active ingredients of the future. Genuinely curious. Since 1365.

Video provided by the University of Vienna -

Autophagy: The waste collection in our cells

Our cells produce waste all the time. But how do they get rid of it? In the video, our doctoral candidate Verena Baumann explains how common yeast helps her to understand the cellular waste collection.

Verena Baumann's research at the Max Perutz Labs is focusing on a fascinating process called autophagy, which is Greek for "self-devouring". Autophagy ensures the well-being of our cells by wrapping harmful material into a cellular waste bag, the so-called autophagosome. "During my PhD. I am studying the actual mechanism that generates this membrane structures from scratch before its content can be degraded and recycled", explains the molecular biologist. "And although it might sound surprising at first, in order to do so, I am using the same yeast that is needed to make pizza, beer and Germknödel dumplings."

Many cellular processes, among them also autophagy, are conserved – from the single cell yeast all the way up to humans. In 2016, the Japanese cellular biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for investigating cellular recycling processes using yeast as model organism. "Figuring out how autophagy works in yeast helps us understand what happens within each of us. With this, our basic research approach is setting the stage for more applied research, dealing with diseases that have been connected to autophagy like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson", says Verena Baumann, who joined the Vienna Biocenter PhD Program in 2017.

Studying autophagy resembles the work of a clock smith building a watch, explains the young investigator: In order to figure out the function of each little gear, she and her colleagues take the mechanism apart and create a toolbox with all the necessary components. Then they start putting it back together piece by piece in the test tube. "By these means we managed to reconstitute a big part of the autophagic machinery, offering us important insights into what is actually happening in the cell", says Baumann.

Verena Baumann studied at the University of Innsbruck before joining the team of Sascha Martens at the Max Perutz Labs, a joint venture between the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna. The Max Perutz Labs are part of the Vienna Biocenter, one of Europe’s hotspots for life sciences. "It is an amazing spot to do science at. There is so much know-how and great equipment under one roof. This, combined with the open and stimulating community in the Vienna Biocenter PhD Program, is the perfect recipe for pushing science forward every day."

Video provided by the University of Vienna:

Two ways to eat your mitochondria

In this study we dissected how the two cargo receptors OPTN and NDP52 mediate the degradation of damaged mitochondria in PINK1/Parkin-driven mitophagy. Surprisingly, we found that OPTN uses a novel mode of mitophagy initiation by recruiting the PI3K via TBK1. This was a collaborative study together with the Lazarou lab in the framework of our ASAP funded mito911 team.


See our publication in Molecular Cell.

The illustration was created by Dorotea Fracchiolla (

Cooperation of cargo receptors in selective autophagy

During clearance of misfolded, ubiquitinated proteins these cargoes need be recognized and collected within larger condensates followed by the recruitment of the autophagy machinery to mediate their degradation. Employing a blend of reconstitution experiment and cell biological approaches, we have dissected the interplay and individual contributions of the p62, NBR1 and TAX1BP1 cargo receptors during this process. We found that p62 is the main driver of cargo condensation. NBR1 promotes condensate formation by equipping the p62-NBR1 hetero- oligomeric complex with a high-affinity UBA domain. Additionally, NBR1 recruits TAX1BP1 to the ubiquitin condensates formed by p62. While all three receptors interact with FIP200, TAX1BP1 is the main driver of FIP200 recruitment and thus the autophagic degradation of p62–ubiquitin condensates. In summary, our study defines the roles of all three receptors in the selective autophagy of ubiquitin condensates.


See our publication in Nature Communications

The model was created by Dorotea Fracchiolla (

Reconstitution of autophagosome nucleation

To stay healthy, our cells must constantly dispose of harmful material. Autophagy, or self-eating, is an important mechanism to ensure the clearance of bulky material. Such material is enwrapped by cellular membranes to form autophagosomes, the contents of which are then degraded. The formation of autophagosomes is a complicated process involving a large number of factors. How they act together in this process is still enigmatic. We recapitulated the initial steps of autophagosome formation using purified autophagy factors from yeast. This approach elucidated some of the organizational principles of the autophagy machinery during the assembly of autophagosomes.

See our publication in Science.

See also Verena’s fantastic video.

“Reverse engineering” autophagosome biogenesis

Together with colleagues from the University of Berkeley (USA) we have reconstituted the activity of key proteins involved in the growth of autophagosome precursors, a process essential for encapsulating cellular components targeted for degradation and recycling. Our results reveal a previously unknown positive feedback loop and activation mechanism that help explain how the autophagy machinery rapidly generates the autophagosomal membrane. The study is published in the Journal of Cell Biology.


Watch Dorotea's amazing animation:

The Claw grabs the waste

We show that the C-terminal domain of FIP200 binds to the p62 cargo receptor promoting the recruitment and activation of the autophagy machinery at ubiquitin condensates. This in turn results in their sequestration within autophagosomes and eventually degradation of the condensates. Structural studies showed that the C-terminal domain of FIP200 is shaped like a claw. This study is published in Molecular Cell.

Captured by filaments

We found that in vitro the autophagy receptor p62 and ubiquitinated substrates spontaneously phase separate into clusters. Mechanistically, this is based on the crosslinking of p62 filaments by the substrates. We further uncover multiple modes of regulation of the clustering reaction that suggest how this process can be integrated into general proteostasis. This study is published in the EMBO Journal.

The cargo as conductor

We discovered that the yeast cargo receptor Atg19 directly interacts with the E3-like Atg12–Atg5-Atg16 complex via its LIR motifs. In a fully reconstituted system we show that these interactions are sufficient to mediate Atg8 conjugation at the cargo. The recruitment of the E3-like complex to cargo may be conserved since we show that also human cargo receptors bind the ATG5 protein. This study is published in eLife.

Autophagy goes exclusive

We show that the Atg19 cargo receptor contains multiple interaction sites for the Atg8 protein. Atg8 proteins decorate the autophagosomal membrane and collectively these multiple interaction sites for Atg8 bend the membrane around autophagic cargo material. The close apposition of the membrane and the cargo excludes non-cargo material from its delivery into the lysosomal system. This study is published in Nature Cell Biology.


    Sonja Achleitner
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 54632
    Room: 5.401

    Elias Adriaenssens
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.401

    Zahra Ayatollahi
    Scientific Affairs Manager
       +43 1 4277 61609
    Room: 3.518

    Bernd Bauer
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 24001
    Room: 5.502

    Luca Ferrari
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.502

    Niyati Kheskani Gupta
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.503

    Elisabeth Holzer
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.502

    Himani Khurana
    Master Student
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.401

    Marek Kravec
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.503

    Siwen Liang
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 52828
    Room: 5.503

    Sascha Martens
    Group Leader
       +43 1 4277 52876
    Room: 5.113

    Julia Romanov
    Lab Manager
       +43 1 4277 52805
    Room: 5.502

    Justyna Sawa-Makarska
       +43 1 4277 52805
    Room: 5.502

    Maximilian Schmid
    PhD Student
       +43 1 4277 52838
    Room: 5.401

    Martina Schuschnig
       +43 1 4277 52838
    Room: 5.401

    Susanna Tulli
       +43 1 4277 52838
    Room: 5.401

    Selected Publications

    Recruitment of autophagy initiator TAX1BP1 advances aggrephagy from cargo collection to sequestration.

    2024 The EMBO journal;43(23):5910, 5940, 5910-5940.
    PMID:  39448883

    Bauer Bernd, Idinger Jonas, Schuschnig Martina, Ferrari Luca, Martens Sascha

    Control of mitophagy initiation and progression by the TBK1 adaptors NAP1 and SINTBAD.

    2024 Nature structural & molecular biology;31(11):1717, 1731, 1717-1731.
    PMID:  38918639

    Adriaenssens Elias, Nguyen Thanh Ngoc, Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Khuu Grace, Schuschnig Martina, Shoebridge Stephen, Skulsuppaisarn Marvin, Watts Emily Maria, Csalyi Kitti Dora, Padman Benjamin Scott, Lazarou Michael, Martens Sascha

    Tau fibrils evade autophagy by excessive p62 coating and TAX1BP1 exclusion.

    2024 Science advances;10(24):eadm8449.
    PMID:  38865459

    Ferrari Luca, Bauer Bernd, Qiu Yue, Schuschnig Martina, Klotz Sigrid, Anrather Dorothea, Juretschke Thomas, Beli Petra, Gelpi Ellen, Martens Sascha

    Faa1 membrane binding drives positive feedback in autophagosome biogenesis via fatty acid activation.

    2024 The Journal of cell biology;223(7)
    PMID:  38573225

    Baumann Verena, Achleitner Sonja, Tulli Susanna, Schuschnig Martina, Klune Lara, Martens Sascha

    Sequestration of translation initiation factors in p62 condensates.

    2023 Cell reports;42(12):113583.
    PMID:  38096057

    Danieli Alberto, Vucak Georg, Baccarini Manuela, Martens Sascha

    Unconventional initiation of PINK1/Parkin mitophagy by Optineurin.

    2023 Molecular cell;83(10):1693, 1709.e9, 1693-1709.e9.
    PMID:  37207627

    Nguyen Thanh Ngoc, Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Khuu Grace, Lam Wai Kit, Adriaenssens Elias, Fracchiolla Dorotea, Shoebridge Stephen, Bernklau Daniel, Padman Benjamin Scott, Skulsuppaisarn Marvin, Lindblom Runa S J, Martens Sascha, Lazarou Michael

    Reconstitution defines the roles of p62, NBR1 and TAX1BP1 in ubiquitin condensate formation and autophagy initiation.

    2021 Nature communications;12(1):5212.
    PMID:  34471133

    Turco Eleonora, Savova Adriana, Gere Flora, Ferrari Luca, Romanov Julia, Schuschnig Martina, Martens Sascha

    Reconstitution of autophagosome nucleation defines Atg9 vesicles as seeds for membrane formation.

    2020 Science (New York, N.Y.);369(6508)
    PMID:  32883836

    Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Baumann Verena, Coudevylle Nicolas, von Bülow Sören, Nogellova Veronika, Abert Christine, Schuschnig Martina, Graef Martin, Hummer Gerhard, Martens Sascha

    A PI3K-WIPI2 positive feedback loop allosterically activates LC3 lipidation in autophagy.

    2020 The Journal of cell biology(7)
    PMID:  32437499

    Fracchiolla Dorotea, Chang Chunmei, Hurley James H, Martens Sascha

    FIP200 Claw Domain Binding to p62 Promotes Autophagosome Formation at Ubiquitin Condensates.

    2019 Molecular cell;74(2):330, 346.e11, 330-346.e11.
    PMID:  30853400

    Turco Eleonora, Witt Marie, Abert Christine, Bock-Bierbaum Tobias, Su Ming-Yuan, Trapannone Riccardo, Sztacho Martin, Danieli Alberto, Shi Xiaoshan, Zaffagnini Gabriele, Gamper Annamaria, Schuschnig Martina, Fracchiolla Dorotea, Bernklau Daniel, Romanov Julia, Hartl Markus, Hurley James H, Daumke Oliver, Martens Sascha

    p62 filaments capture and present ubiquitinated cargos for autophagy.

    2018 The EMBO journal;37(5)
    PMID:  29343546

    Zaffagnini Gabriele, Savova Adriana, Danieli Alberto, Romanov Julia, Tremel Shirley, Ebner Michael, Peterbauer Thomas, Sztacho Martin, Trapannone Riccardo, Tarafder Abul K, Sachse Carsten, Martens Sascha

    Mechanism of cargo-directed Atg8 conjugation during selective autophagy.

    2016 eLife;5
    PMID:  27879200

    Fracchiolla Dorotea, Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Zens Bettina, Ruiter Anita de, Zaffagnini Gabriele, Brezovich Andrea, Romanov Julia, Runggatscher Kathrin, Kraft Claudine, Zagrovic Bojan, Martens Sascha

    Oligomerization of p62 allows for selection of ubiquitinated cargo and isolation membrane during selective autophagy.

    2015 eLife;4:e08941.
    PMID:  26413874

    Wurzer Bettina, Zaffagnini Gabriele, Fracchiolla Dorotea, Turco Eleonora, Abert Christine, Romanov Julia, Martens Sascha

    Cargo binding to Atg19 unmasks additional Atg8 binding sites to mediate membrane-cargo apposition during selective autophagy.

    2014 Nature cell biology;16(5):425, 433, 425-433.
    PMID:  24705553

    Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Abert Christine, Romanov Julia, Zens Bettina, Ibiricu Iosune, Martens Sascha

    Mechanism and functions of membrane binding by the Atg5-Atg12/Atg16 complex during autophagosome formation.

    2012 The EMBO journal;31(22):4304, 4317, 4304-17.
    PMID:  23064152

    Romanov Julia, Walczak Marta, Ibiricu Iosune, Schüchner Stefan, Ogris Egon, Kraft Claudine, Martens Sascha

    Collaborations & Funding

    Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) grant

    We have been awarded an ASAP Grant in 2020 to study the mechansims of mitophagy together with the Hurley (coordinator), Park, Holzbaur, Lazarou and Hummer labs.

    National Scientific Research Fund (FWF) SFB

    Sascha Martens coordinates the FWF SFB on

    HFSP Program Grant 2017

    Sascha Martens was awarded the Program Grant from HFSP for a collaborative project together with scientists from Germany, USA and Japan.

    ERC Consolidator Grant 2014

    Sascha Martens is awardee of a "Consolidator Grant" from the European Research Council ERC.

    National Scientific Research Fund (FWF) Project

    The Martens Lab was awarded FWF Stand Alone Grants (P25546-B20, P27799-B20, P30401-B21, P32814-B and P35061-B) to support our research on autophagy.

    EMBO Young Investigator Award 2013

    Sascha Martens joins the network of EMBO Young Investigators.

    Doctoral Program "Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis"

    The Group Martens is a member of the special Doctoral Program "Signaling Mechanisms in Cellular Homeostasis" reviewed and funded by the Austrian Research Fund FWF.

    ERC Starting Grant 2010

    Sascha Martens is awardee of a "Starting Independent Researcher Grant" from the European Research Council ERC.

    Austrian Academy of Sciences

    Sascha Martens has been elected member of the "Junge Kurie" of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in April 2011
