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RNA processing is an umbrella-term for a large number of chemical reactions that turn precursor RNAs into mature, functional molecules. At the core of our Lab is “Non-canonical RNA splicing”, a catalytic mechanism that removes single introns and joins remaining exons, strikingly different to the mRNA-devoted spliceosome. After several years of hard work, a podium of favorite enzymes and pathways conforms the pillars of our research. Yet, with a blend of curiosity, expertise, networking and intuition, we keep digging into non-canonical RNA splicing and adventuring into new, unexpected directions.
Having identified several players of the enzymatic machinery executing non-canonical RNA splicing, we are currently focusing on regulatory and physiological aspects of it. We discovered that the tRNA ligase complex (tRNA-LC) – a pillar of our research – is modulated by redox-mechanisms, involving metals, the antioxidant thioredoxin and the essential oxidoreductase PYROXD1, which protects the tRNA-LC against oxidation. Our current research also shows that PYROXD1 plays a critical function in iron metabolism, well beyond RNA biology. We also discovered that RNA molecules ended in 2’,3’-cyclic phosphates, substrates of the tRNA-LC, are processed by the cyclic phosphatase ANGEL2, which is itself regulated by post-translational modifications. The full interactome of the tRNA-LC and the individual roles of its subunits are also at the core of our Lab. Finally, we are making great progress in dissecting the mechanistic defects underlying Diamond Blackfan Anemia, a rare syndrome intimately linked to defects in RNA processing and iron metabolism. Please visit https://dbaexperiment.org.
Defining important as well as addressable questions is essential. We investigate, discover, communicate… and ask new questions. This is the science game that students and postdocs would enjoy when joining our group.
Our Laboratory relies on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology to identify and characterize key players in RNA processing. We boost this “in vitro” approach with structural biology – so far through collaborations with outstanding colleagues – and the proteomics, metabolomics and next generation sequencing facilities at the Vienna BioCenter. In parallel, and when appropriate, we adventure “in vivo” to understand the role of specific RNA processing factors and ribosomal proteins in health and disease, turning into animal models – mutating or deleting involved genes – or cells from patients.
Javier Martinez obtained his PhD from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a Post-Doc at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, he turned to RNA biology and identified and characterize the poly(A) ribonuclease PARN. Later, at the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen and The Rockefeller University in New York, he devoted to RNA interference and purified the RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC. As a Junior Group Leader at IMBA, in Vienna, Javier and his team continued revealing features of RNAi and RISC. However, the discovery of the RNA 5’ kinase CLP1 and the tRNA ligase complex redirected his laboratory towards the enzymatic machineries that catalyze non-canonical RNA splicing, an essential event for the maturation of pre-tRNA molecules and the reshaping of the Xbp1-mRNA during the Unfolded Protein Response. Javier’s lab is currently exploring areas beyond RNA biology. Javier is a Professor of the Medical University of Vienna and his laboratory is located at the Max Perutz Labs, within the vibrant Vienna BioCenter. Javier used to play table tennis and is a football (River Plate, Barcelona and Manchester City) and Formula 1 fan!
We have recently discovered the first 2’,3’-cyclic phosphatase in human cells. The enzymatic activity has been characterized and its structure revealed in collaboration with Martin Jinek, in Zurich. The novel and unique cyclic phosphatase is able to modulate pre-tRNA splicing and the UPR by hydrolysing the 2’,3’-cyclic phosphate at the end of 5’ tRNA exons and Xbp1-mRNA exons.
How did enzymes from Earth’s ancient anaerobic history, such as the RNA ligase RTCB, adapt to modern, aerobic environments? We have revealed an unexpected solution: RTCB, the catalytic subunit of the tRNA ligase complex co-evolved with a dedicated oxidoreductase, PYROXD1, which is linked to severe myopathies in humans. Paradoxically, PYROXD1 uses the principal prooxidative cofactor of the cell, NAD(P)+, as the ‘‘private’’ antioxidative protector of RTCB.
We are investigating the molecular mechanisms of Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA), a disease characterized by a lack of red blood cell production which occurs shortly after birth. How and why do mutations in ribosomal proteins lead to this specific loss of red blood cells? We have recruited a family with two children who were diagnosed with DBA where the father carries a dominant mutation for DBA but does not present with the disease. Using a variety of techniques, we have been probing the effects of this particular DBA mutation within cells, and have established ex vivo red blood cell differentiation assays to validate our findings. See www.dbaexperiment.org.
We have identified CLP1 as a human RNA-kinase that phosphorylates siRNAs and tRNA 3’ exon halves at the 5’ end during in vitro pre-tRNA splicing. CLP1 is associated to the tRNA splicing endonuclease (TSEN) complex and is also part of the mRNA 3’ end formation machinery, with a still enigmatic function. Mutations in CLP1 lead to neurological diseases.
The process of pre-tRNA splicing requires removal of a single intron by the TSEN complex and joining of the resulting exon halves. The tRNA ligase activity remained elusive for three decades. In 2011, we identified HSPC117/RTCB as the catalytic subunit of the tRNA ligase complex. To catalyse multiple ligation reactions, the ligase requires Archease – also identified in our laboratory – as a co-factor. In addition, the tRNA ligase complex is responsible for the ligation of Xbp1-mRNA exons during the Unfolded Protein Response.
The oxidoreductase PYROXD1 uses NAD(P) + as an antioxidant to sustain tRNA ligase activity in pre-tRNA splicing and unfolded protein response
Asanovic, Igor; Strandback, Emilia; Kroupova, Alena; Pasajlic, Djurdja; Meinhart, Anton; Tsung-Pin, Pai; Djokovic, Nemanja; Anrather, Dorothea; Schuetz, Thomas; Suskiewicz, Marcin Józef; Sillamaa, Sirelin; Köcher, Thomas; Beveridge, Rebecca; Nikolic, Katarina; Schleiffer, Alexander; Jinek, Martin; Hartl, Markus; Clausen, Tim; Penninger, Josef; Macheroux, Peter; Weitzer, Stefan; Martinez, Javier
ANGEL2 is a member of the CCR4 family of deadenylases with 2',3'-cyclic phosphatase activity.
Pinto, Paola H; Kroupova, Alena; Schleiffer, Alexander; Mechtler, Karl; Jinek, Martin; Weitzer, Stefan; Martinez, Javier
CLP1 links tRNA metabolism to progressive motor-neuron loss.
Hanada, Toshikatsu; Weitzer, Stefan; Mair, Barbara; Bernreuther, Christian; Wainger, Brian J; Ichida, Justin; Hanada, Reiko; Orthofer, Michael; Cronin, Shane J; Komnenovic, Vukoslav; Minis, Adi; Sato, Fuminori; Mimata, Hiromitsu; Yoshimura, Akihiko; Tamir, Ido; Rainer, Johannes; Kofler, Reinhard; Yaron, Avraham; Eggan, Kevin C; Woolf, Clifford J; Glatzel, Markus; Herbst, Ruth; Martinez, Javier; Penninger, Josef M
The Group Martinez participates in the Special Research Program (SFB) “RNA-DECO, Decorating RNA for a purpose”. funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. SFB's are peer-reviewed, highly interactive research networks, established to foster long-term, interdisciplinary co-operation of local research groups working on the frontiers of their thematic areas.
“The oxidoreductase PYROXD1 links human myopathies to taurine biosynthesis, UPR and the control of the cellular metallome”.
“Characterization of human ANGEL2, the first described RNA 2’,3’-cyclic phosphatase in eukaryotic cells”
An optimized system for genome-wide CRISPR screens identifies in vivo dependencies in pancreatic cancer
Date: 2024-09-18, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: Vivien Vogt, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: PhD Defense, Institute: IMP - Zuber Lab, Host: None
Photosynthesis: Harvesting the rainbow and beyond
Date: 2024-09-19, Time: 13:00:00, Speaker: Roberta Croce, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Host: Magnus Nordborg
Profiling Infection: From Gene Expression to Functional Genomics
Date: 2024-09-19, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Noam Stern-Ginossar, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Weizmann Institute of Science, Host: Marco Hein
Exosomes and membrane tubular connections in intercellular traffic of proteins and RNA
Date: 2024-09-23, Time: 10:00:00, Speaker: Randy Schekman, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: University of California Berkeley, Host: Silvia Ramundo
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-09-23, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: ESTIVILL I CAPARROS Guillem (Obenauf)DA COSTA Barbara (Berger), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Genetic Architects: Understanding How the LINE-1 Retrotransposon Crafts the Human Genome
Date: 2024-09-24, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Akanksha Thawani, Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: IMP GL Interview Seminar, Institute: UC Berkeley, Host: Andrea Pauli
Tales of algae: from fundamental discovery to application
Date: 2024-09-24, Time: 10:00:00, Speaker: Sabeeha Merchant, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: University of California, Berkeley, Host: Silvia Ramundo
Plasmodium Determinants Critical for Immunity Against Liver Stage Infection
Date: 2024-09-26, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Maria Mota, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Lisbon, Host: Joao Matos
Novel actors in chromatin-based control of transposable elements
Date: 2024-09-27, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Deborah Bourc'his, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Institut Curie, Host: Julius Brennecke
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-09-30, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JÄGER Christina (Van der Veeken)SHUKLA Vikas (Berger)RODRIGUEZ TERRONES Diego (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Mechanistic insights into the formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks by Spo11
Date: 2024-10-01, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Corentin Claeys Bouuaert, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: SFB Seminar, Institute: LIBST, Louvain-la-Neuve, Host: Joao Matos
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-10-07, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KANNO Tatsuo (Berger)SCHIMMER Clara (Ellis)DE SANTIS Martina (Rivron), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Nematode oocyte divisions: Unveiling meiotic mysteries
Date: 2024-10-08, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Julien Dumont, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: SFB Seminar, Institute: Institut Jacques Monod, Host: Alex Dammermann
Mechanisms regulating tumor states transition
Date: 2024-10-10, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Cedric Blanpain, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Universite Libres Bruxelles, Host: Stephanie Ellis
How plants sense temperature
Date: 2024-10-11, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Philip Wigge, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: IGZ Leibnitz, Host: Fred Berger
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-10-14, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GAO Peng (Dagdas)HANDLER Dominik (Brennecke)RAIDERS Stephan (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-10-17, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Ralf Jungmann, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: LMU, MPI, Host: Alex Stark, Francisco Balzarotti
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-10-18, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Gergo Gogl, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: IGBMC, Illkirch, Host: Fred Berger
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-10-21, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KLEINFERCHER Sebastian (Stark)SPENCER Victoria (Dolan)AUGUSTO Pedro (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
The dual lives of pathogenic structures: from functional amyloids to domesticated capsids
Date: 2024-10-22, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Luke Berchowitz, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: SFB Seminar, Institute: Columbia University, Host: Joao Matos
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-10-24, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Andrea Ablasser, Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: EPFL, Host: Moritz Gaidt
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-10-28, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GOMEZ SEGALAS Alba (Balzarotti)MILOJKOVIC Lidija (Urban)PRADHAN Saurabh (Rivron), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-11-04, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCHEPERS Sandra (Knoblich)BUSETTO Virginia (Falk)DMITRIEV Vladimir (Goloborodko), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Understanding how the DNA-loop-extruding protein complex
Date: 2024-11-05, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Pascal Bernard, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: SFB Seminar, Institute: ENS de Lyon, Host: Franz Klein
VBC PhD Symposium
Date: 2024-11-07, Time: 09:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-07, Time: 15:00:00, Speaker: Caren Norden, Location: Lecture Hall A, VBC5, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC), Host: Diana Pinheiro
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-08, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Assaf Vardi, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: Weizmann Institute of Science, Host: Yasin Dagdas
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-11-11, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GARCIA GALLARDO Maria (Bücker)HARVEY Zachary (Berger)SAKALLI Enes (Von Haeseler,Menche), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
7th Annual Austrian Cryo-EM (ACE) Symposium
Date: 2024-11-12, Time: 13:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
Transcriptional regulation of heart development and disease
Date: 2024-11-14, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Benoit Bruneau, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, UCSF, Host: Sasha Menjdan
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-15, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: David Stern, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: HHMI, Janelia Research Campus, Host: Yan Ma
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-18, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Lacramioara Bintu, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Stanford University, Host: Alex Stark
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-11-18, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: FESSELET Jeanne (Kovarik)PAPAREDDY Ranjith (Dagdas)SHEN Jingyi (Obenauf), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Multilayered control of recombination and diversity in the mammalian germline
Date: 2024-11-19, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Florencia Pratto, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: SFB Seminar, Institute: GBB, Bethesda, Host: Irene Thiemann Boege
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-21, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Martin Jinek, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Zurich, Host: Irma Querques
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-22, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Dimitris Petroutsos, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: Uppsala University, Host: Silvia Ramundo
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-11-25, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BOREIKAITE Vytaute (Plaschka)SRINIVASAN Navaneeth (Peters)DODOMANI Ananya (Campbell), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-11-28, Time: 18:00:00, Speaker: David Baker, Location: Zoom, Type: VBC Regular Seminar via Zoom, Institute: UW Dept. of Biochemistry, Host: Alwin Köhler
Understanding starch granule biosynthesis in plants using insights from natural variation
Date: 2024-11-29, Time: 11:45:00, Speaker: David Seung, Location: GMI Orange Seminar room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: John Innes Centre, Norwich, Host: Yan Ma
Exploring the cell biology that enables efficient photosynthesis in C4 plants
Date: 2024-11-29, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Tina Schreier, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: University of Oxford, Host: Yan Ma
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-12-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SOMMER Theresa (Rivron)KRACHT Laura (Knoblich)MAIR Zahar (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-12-05, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Ian Hickson, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Copenhagen, Host: Joao Matos
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-12-09, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BREHM Martin (Falk)PLATZER Sebastian (Hein)RAFANEL Baptiste (Brennecke), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Consequences (and causes) of mitotic checkpoint dysfunction
Date: 2024-12-10, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Gerben Vader, Location: Max Perutz Labs SR 1 (6.501), Type: SFB Seminar, Institute: Cancer Center Amsterdam, Host: Christopher Campbell
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-12-12, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Stephen West, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: The Francis Crick Institute, Host: Joao Matos
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-12-13, Time: 10:00:00, Speaker: Teresa Rayon, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: Babraham Institute, Host: Diana Pinheiro, Andi Pauli
Title to be announced
Date: 2024-12-13, Time: 11:30:00, Speaker: Fay-Wie Li, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: GMI Seminar, Institute: Cornell University/Boyce Thompon Institute, Host: Fred Berger
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2024-12-16, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DAHAN Tal (Nordborg)CHUGUNOVA Anastasia (Pauli)VON WIREN Julius (Kovarik), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-01-09, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Uri Ben-David, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Tel Aviv University, Host: Anna Obenauf
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-01-13, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KRASNOVID Filipp (Mari-Ordonez)ROTHE Patricia (Plaschka)KROGULL Daniel (Burga), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-01-16, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Stan Brouns, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Delft University of Technology, Host: Irma Querques
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-01-20, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: VICIC Ziga (Jachowicz)GRÜNEWALD Jakob (Obenauf)MANOLOVA Toni (Falk), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-01-23, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Anne Bertolotti, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: MCR Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Host: Egon Ogris
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-01-27, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCARAMUZZA Federico (Tessmar) WALTER Mateusz (Querques)WILLIAMS Thomas (Clausen), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-01-29, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Jan Brosens, Location: GMI Orange Seminar Room, Type: Impromptu Seminar, Institute: University of Warwick, Host: Nicolas Rivron
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-01-30, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Host: Julius Brennecke
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-02-03, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: CRUZ Joseph (Gerlich)GHEORGHITA Andreea (Clausen)GALUSKA Philipp (Djinovic), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host:
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-02-06, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Thibaut Brunet, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Institut Pasteur, University Paris-Cite, Host: Fred Berger
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-02-10, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GRIGOREVA Elizaveta (Nordborg)KOHOUTKOVA Eliska (Clausen)STEINACKER Thomas (Gerlich), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-02-13, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Jeff Boeke, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: NYU Langdone Health, Host: Fred Berger
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-02-17, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: RAFFL Gerald (Ameres)VULIN Milica (Obenauf)FISCHER Andre (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-02-20, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Gaia Novarino, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: ISTA, Host: Dea Slade
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-02-24, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BAYERL Jonas (Zuber)ZABOLOCKI Michael (Knoblich)EDER Stephanie (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-02-27, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Cedric Feschotte, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Cornell University, Host: Joanna Jachowicz
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-03-03, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KROETENHEERDT Eva (Leonard)RÖHSNER Josef (Pauli)RIABOV Daria (Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-03-10, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: CHO Chung Hyun (Berger)SEIDL Carina (Tanaka)MIGOTTI Mario (Konrat), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-03-17, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: CHEN Shenzhi (Stark)BINDL Michael (Leeb)JÄGER Martin (Obenauf), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-03-20, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Geert Kops, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Hubrecht Institute, Host: Joao Matos
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-03-24, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: MAYA Juan (Balzarotti)DOSA Anna (Clausen)KOBER Julia (Ramundo), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-03-27, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Martin Beck, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Host: Alwin Köhler
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-03-31, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HOLZER Elisabeth (Martens)THEMANN Jan (Knoblich)GROSS Angelina (Dagdas), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-04-03, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Rotem Sorek, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Weizmann Institute, Host: Sebastian Falk
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-04-07, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GROH Roan (Dagdas)CHAO Victor (Huis)KHANDEKAR Ameya (Ellis), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
"Tiles of Life" Symposium
Date: 2025-04-10, Time: 09:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall , Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: SMICH community
Tiles of Life - Student Symposium
The symposium will explore the intricate "tiles" that form the vast and diverse fields of molecular biology and aims to foster discussions and inspire collaborations by bringing the “tiles of life” together. The program includes several talks by esteemed and international speakers sharing their latest findings to link the molecular mosaic of the cell - from structures to organisms. Additionally, we will highlight the research of the SMICH community on campus by complementing the program with student talks.
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-04-14, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: OKUN Anastasia (Karagöz)COLLISON Robert (Ramundo)WELZL Paul (Balzarotti/Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-04-24, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Maria Cristina Gambetta, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Lausanne, Host: Anton Goloborodko
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-04-28, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SUWITA Johannes (Pauli)GRABARCZYK Daniel (Clausen)PANDA Aswini (Falk), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-05, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KIM Olena (Knoblich)JOB Nikhil (Dolan)ADELMANN Leonie (Raible), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Microsymposium on Small RNA Biology
Date: 2025-05-07, Time: 09:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
Microsymposium on RNA Biology
Date: 2025-05-07, Time: 09:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
EMBO meeting on RNA meets Protein decay
Date: 2025-05-11, Time: 14:00:00, Speaker: , Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Symposium, Institute: None, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-12, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCIBISZ Grzegorz (Karagöz)VAN GENDEREN Emiel (Rivron)BOZKURT Miray (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-05-15, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Chuna Ram Choudhary, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Copenhagen, Host: Alex Stark
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-19, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: POTTENDORFER Elisabeth (Obenauf)WALLNER Eva-Sophie (Dolan)BECKER Moritz (Leeb), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-05-22, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Manuel Leonetti, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: CZ Biohub San Francisco, Host: Elif Karagöz
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-05-26, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DIMITROVA Polina (Van der Veeken)STRAVS Ana (Knoblich)SCHÖNLEIN Martin (Obenauf), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SABATH Kevin (Plaschka/Stark)MANCHENO JUNCOSA Estela (Mendjan)HORENKAMP Simone (Tanaka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-12, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Stefan Mundlos, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Host: Julius Brennecke
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-16, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BERGER Sonja (Goloborodko)KOWALD Saskia (Gaidt)KAPRAL Thomas (Zagrovic), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-23, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BUCHERON Chloe (Menche)KRUMWIEDE Luisa (Gaidt)PACHANO Tomas (Stark), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-06-26, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Nikhil Joshi, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Yale University, Host: Joris Van der Veeken
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-06-30, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: SCHINDLER Lukas (Schlögelhofer)MANDLBURGER Nikolaus (Stark)OTTO Magdalena (Leonard), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-03, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Matthias Mann, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Host: Marco Hein
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-07, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: TRUS Palina (Peters)KOBAKHIDZE George (Dong)KONGSTED Thea (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-10, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Simon Alberti, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: TU Dresden, Host: Erinc Hallacli
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-14, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: RUSCH Emma (Golobordko)VELIKOV Daniel (Matos)VOGEL Alexander (Clausen/Yudushkin), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-07-17, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Vishva Dixit, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Genentech, Host: Moritz Gaidt
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-21, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: ANGELOPOULOU Eleni (Ellis)SCHAFFER Petra (Grade)RAMIREZ America (Köhler), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-07-28, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DIMITRIADI Anna (Mendjan)LEITNER Moritz (Martinez), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-04, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: LI Wenxin (Zimmer)FISCHER Felix (Zagrovic)ABESAMIS Kim Ivan (Dong), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-11, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KLEIFELD Justus (Urban)MCATEER Tara (Pinheiro)BHATTACHARYA Mrinnanda (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-18, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BELL Lillie (Clausen)MIHAILOVIC Milica (Karagöz)GUYNES Keroshini (Jachowicz), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-08-25, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BOHL VIALLEFONT Gregoire (Nordborg)MARCHIORI Elisa (Van der Veeken)JAHNEL Stefan (Mendjan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-01, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KIRCHGATTERER Paul (Gaidt)ACHLEITNER Sonja (Martens)KAYA Oguzhan (Knoblich), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-08, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HUTH Michelle (Leeb)RADHAKRISHNA PILLAI Balashankar (Brennecke)REN Kaike (Otsuka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-15, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GONZALEZ ALVARADO Maria Nazareth (Grade)KASHKO Nataliia (Matos)OBERHUEMER Michael (Leeb), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-09-18, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Katja Wassmann, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Institute Jacques Monod, Host: Joao Matos, Peter Schlögelhofer
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-22, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KONSTANTINOU Andri (Obenauf)HARTMANN Felix (Matos)JENTOFT Ida (Pauli), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-09-25, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Fabian Theis, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Computational Health Center, Helmholtz Munich, Host: Alex Stark
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-09-29, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PAVLOVA Anzhela (Matos)FILINA Olga (Clausen)VETRANO Pamela (Ramundo), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-06, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: WIGHARD Sara Sylvia (Burga)PRLESI Ines (Gerlich)BECHT Nanette (Gaidt), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-09, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Alexander van Oudenaarden, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Hubrecht Institute, Host: Daniel Gerlich
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-13, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PIECH Lucas (Leonard)NABIH MOSTAFA Amena (Pauli)GREMMELMAIER Constanze (Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-16, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Anne Brunet, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: Stanford University, Host: Andrea Pauli
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-20, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KYPRIANOU Christos (Rivron)MOYSIADOU Sofia (Obenauf)GALLAGE CHANUKA POSHITHA Fernando (Zimmer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-23, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: MPI Berlin, Host: Joanna Jachowicz, Martin Leeb
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-10-27, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: KNIEST Judith (Haselbach)LAROVENKO Svetlana (Brennecke)HIDAKA Takuya (Gerlich), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-10-30, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Kresten Lindorff-Larssen, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: University of Copenhagen, Host: David Haselbach
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-03, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: DIAS Ana Beatriz (Slade)VALERI Erika (Gaidt)CHATZIANGELOU Myrto (Stark), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-10, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: FRASZ Lisa-Maria (Obenauf)MYLARSHCHIKOV Dmitry (Gerlich)SAHA Sayantan (Huis), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Title to be announced
Date: 2025-11-13, Time: 11:00:00, Speaker: Jamie Hackett, Location: IMBA/GMI Lecture Hall, Type: VBC Regular Seminar, Institute: EMBL Rome, Host: Joanna Jachowicz, Martin Leeb
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-17, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: PITASI Mattia (Leeb)FORBES Rebecca (Görke)MATURI Samuele (Grade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-11-24, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HEINZL Monika (Stark)MARTZIOS Panagiotis (Huis)BASTOS VENTURA Guilherme (Pinheiro), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-12-01, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JONASSON Mattias (Bücker)KNAUDT Hannah (Haselbach)GUPTA KHESKANI Niyati (Martens), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2025-12-15, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BERKUN Kathleen (Hallacli)WOLFF Uyen Le Phuong (Jantsch)GRAF Max (Plaschka), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-01-12, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: BOHAUMILITZKY Lena (Pinheiro)SPEICHERT Katarzyna (Martens)NG Hing Pan (Ma), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-01-19, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: FARAWAY Rupert (Plaschka)ETHIER Elizabeth (Hallacli)RAINA Shiviya (Dammermann), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-01-26, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: WULF Paul Oliver (Tessmar)MISHRA Sachin (Stark)OGZUC Olivia (Querques), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: COSTANTINI Elena (Tanaka)VIOHL Niklas (Köhler)LEON-RUIZ Jesus (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-09, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: MIOCIC-STOSIC Fran (Zagrovic)BELL Caelan (Gerlich)KLEINWAECHTER Ava (Slade), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-16, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: HOFMANN Maura (Van der Veeken)SEN Zeynep Begüm (Ma)ZEN PETISCO FIORE Ana Paula (Urban), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-02-23, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: JANKOWSKA Julia (Ameres)DOCAVO GARCIA Antonio (Jachowicz)HAONAN Bao (Dolan), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-02, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: RUSSETT Colleen (Berger)ZEILER Christine (Kovarik)HOLLAUS David (Gaidt), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None
Monday Seminar (Internal)
Date: 2026-03-09, Time: 12:30:00, Speaker: GUZMAN PEREZ Sebastian (Martinez)ROFFAY Chloe (Pinheiro)BHARDWAJ Vishakha (Schlögelhofer), Location: IMP Lecture Hall, Type: Monday Seminar, Institute: Open only to IMP/IMBA/GMI/Max Perutz Labs, Host: None